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Patrick Murakami: „Childhood memories” With art for UNICEF Hungary

Now you too can help to create equal opportunities and reduce child poverty, while decorating the walls of your institution, office, or even your living room with a really cool artwork!


Patrick Murakami, the young and talented Japanese-Hungarian pop art painter, is now offering his work „CREO” for sale, with the entire proceeds donated to UNICEF Hungary through Eötvös10.


Patrick’s exhibition „Childhood memories” is open free of charge at Eötvös10 (1067 Budapest, Eötvös utca 10) until 31 July. Its main purpose is to raise funds to support and assist children in need who have little chance of social integration and access to education, and to raise awareness of the work and importance of UNICEF Hungary in promoting the future of the world’s children.



Murakami stresses the importance of commitment to society, equal opportunities and freedom, and the importance of using his success to provide financial support to those in society who most need educational integration and opportunities.


The price of the painting „CREO” – which supports the work of UNICEF Hungary: 5000 EURO

If you would like to purchase Patrick Murakami’s artwork, we thank you very much on behalf of UNICEF Hungary, and please contact the Eötvös10 Communications Manager who will be happy to assist you:

Rella Fülöp-Lehoczky

061 690 0991/106

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